Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bag Ban ビニール買い物袋の廃止

Yay, Maui County did it!
On 1-11-2011, the plastic bag was banned at all the supermarkets.

When I first came to Maui (about 10 years ago), I saw a plastic bag flying in the air and got caught in a tall tree branch.  When I saw that, I felt sad somehow, and I decided to bring my own bag whenever I shop.  My own bag is much sturdier than those plastic bags and easier to carry.

Also, I learned from a book that sea turtles eat those plastic bags thinking that they are jelly fish, and of course they cannot digest the bags, and they remain in their stomachs which often lead them to death, and also, those bags can get stuck around the beak of turtles, and they cannot breath anymore and die. Therefore, I was always aware of those plastic bags that seemed to be produced more than necessary.  There were more and more people who started to bring their own bags, but the number of bags that get stuck on tree branches seemed to remain the same. So I was wondering when this new law would be really practiced, and the day had come!!! I am glad.

Here is a link to view Maui County's website about this new law.

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写真のサインにある「B.Y.O.」はBring Your Ownの略で、持参してくださいという意味です。


Unknown said...


Akari Ueoka said...
