Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Rendezvous in Chicago シカゴでのランデブー

In March (during my spring break), I flew to Chicago, IL to surprise Ty who was touring with his teacher in Chicago at that time. (For more details of his tour experiences, please read his diary.) Ty left in the middle of January, and in the middle of February, he was going to visit Maui for a week to spend time with each other, but his flight was canceled due to some mechanical failures, so we did not get to see each other, and his month long tour with his teacher began, and the next time we would see each other was be in May...

I thought to myself, "If he cannot come see me, I will come to him." I jumped on the Internet and found a reasonable ticket and flew myself there although I knew that I would get to see him for just a day and half...



The sky and a contrail
My feeling was straight just like it.


My heart was beating faster as it was right before I got to see Ty

Here is a photo of us being reunited again...

It was wonderful to see him although we only got to spend time with each other for about a day and half.  Sometimes, we just got to make actions, I guess.


Fresh Vegetables 新鮮な野菜

On Saturday mornings, I go to a farmer's market held at the Eddie Tam Memorial Gym in Makawao. This is my new favorite activity on weekend. I can get fresh, yummy, organically grown vegetables at a reasonable price there, and I enjoy conversing with local farmers. I like to start a weekend this way.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Tenth Year of Honolulu Festival 10年目のホノルルフェスティバル

Dancing for the 16th Honolulu Festival in the middle of March was fun and memorable. The first time I danced for it was exact ten years ago; I was 17 years old. It was my first time to be in a foreign country. As I danced on the exact same place where I danced 10 years ago, I felt a deep emotion. It's quite difficult to explain what I felt, but I think that I felt a history of my own life for the past decade, and I tenderly looked back all those years that led me to be where I am today. I felt overwhelming appreciation for all the people whom I have met and all the opportunities I have been given for the past ten years. Because of them, I am here. I celebrated myself and my life as I danced the Izanai Yosakoi dance.

(Japanese) 三月の中旬に踊らせてもらった、第16回ホノルルフェスティバルは楽しく思い出に残るものとなりました。このフェスティバルで踊らせてもらった一番初めの年は、実はもう10年も前に遡ります。17歳のときのことでした。それが初めて海外に来た理由でした。10年前に踊った全く同じ場所で10年後の自分が踊っていることを想ったとき、何か深いものを感じました。それが何であったのかは上手く言い表せないのですが、きっと過去10年間の自分自身の歴史を想い、今ここにいる自分へと導いてきてくれたそれらの一年一年を振り返っていたのだと想います。今までに出会った方々、そして頂いた機会があって今日の私がいます。心はそれらの皆様とそれらの機会に感謝の想いで溢れていました。イザナイよさこいを踊りながら、過去10年の人生をお祝いさせて頂きました。

This was this year's costume.

Right before the parade began at Kalakaua Avenue, during the break, I enjoyed being on top of a tree as usual... I was careful not to tear my costume.
