Monday, January 25, 2010

A New Odissi Costume 新しいオディッシィダンスの衣装

I was surprised by a surprise gift from Ty. This is my new Odissi costume. I had no idea that he was getting this for me. My dance teacher, Sarala and he were sneaky! (Thanks to Sarala for working with him and getting the perfect measurement.)

It is beautifully made in India, and it has my favorite color green and Ty's favorite color orange.

I am deeply touched by his support for one of my passions in life - dancing! Unfortunately, I cannot dance right now as I hurt my back about a week ago, but it was a perfect timing (it just arrived from India) to receive this gift as it inspired me even more to get better and dance again! (By the way, my back is getting better everyday, so I should be able to dance soon.)

I am looking forward to a day when I can dance in this costume with Ty's tabla.

(Picture: Due to my back pain, I could not really do a deep tribhanghi...)





(写真: 腰痛のため深いトリバンギ(姿勢の一つ)を取れませんでしたが・・・。)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

あかりちゃんに ぴったりの 色ですね。
波乗りし過ぎも 踊り過ぎも 他の動きで
巻き戻さずにいると 故障に つながります。
腿の筋肉など 凝ってませんか?
お大事に、そして あかりちゃんの ダンスを
直接見れることを 楽しみにしています。