Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Children are the Best Medicine 子供たちは一番の治療薬

(Flower leis given to me by my students at the Winter Holiday Show in last December)

About a week ago, I received an email from my friend.
It was to inform me that one of my dancer friends in Japan who was the same age as me passed away.
First, I could not believe it, and I could easily picture his face in my mind which I just saw about two weeks and half ago in Japan.

While I still could not believe it, my heart ached when I thought about how young he was and how sad his family, especially his parents must be.  I knew that we are connected through spirits, yet not being able to chat, laugh, and dance with him while he was in his body in this life time made miss him and made me feel sad. On the night I received this news, I only cried a bit; I think that a part of me still could not really understand what happened. The next morning, as the reality slowly sank in me, I cried a lot. In order to say a good bye and in order for me to move on with a smile on my face, I wanted to cry to have a funeral ceremony in my heart.

He said that he wanted to contribute to the world peace through dance. He had a very pure and honest heart. I strongly felt that I want to relay his intention. I was happy that I could continue to dance with him in my heart.

The following day, I went to work, but my heart was still heavy. However, it was amazing to witness myself opening up like a flower blossoming and my sadness melting away as I was surrounded by lovely 14 children. They were adorable as usual, and every single thing they did was sweet and cute. The first child who came to school was a girl, and her very first word came out of her mouth even before she said "Good morning!" was, "Akari, love is everywhere." Ah, what a timing!  Her word gave me enough fuel to start my day in a positive state. Seeing a 3-year-old boy trying to put his brand new shoes on and proudly standing up was cute. Seeing the eyes of the kids amused by something which I would not have noticed otherwise reminded me how beautiful this world is. Seeing them cry but laugh the next second reminded me to live in the present. Just holding them on my laps made my heart at ease. They were the best healing medicine ever!!  I truly witnessed how their full force of life gave me power and love, and I was such a different person by the end of the day. The world looked much brighter.  I strongly felt my mission and desire in life to protect and nurture these lovely children as well as joy to be blessed with this opportunity to do so.

After lunch, before I started to read a story, I told them that one of my friends in Japan passed away, and I was very sad, but because of them, I felt much better, and I thanked them. They were listening to me quietly, and one girl raised her hand and said, "Akari, he was ready to go."  Her word lingered in my heart and touched somewhere deep. Then, I said, "In a movie called 'Powder,' a man says, 'When people die, they can be seen everywhere.' I think so, too, so my friend is now in tree, sky, rain, and the ocean. I can see him anytime anywhere."  Then, a child said, "Now, he is in you, too." I felt the top of my nose was a bit painful (because I was about to cry).

It was a day that I was carried by the kids. I am very fortunate and appreciative to spend my everyday with these angels.

---------------------------------- Japanese ---------------------------








Monday, January 25, 2010

A New Odissi Costume 新しいオディッシィダンスの衣装

I was surprised by a surprise gift from Ty. This is my new Odissi costume. I had no idea that he was getting this for me. My dance teacher, Sarala and he were sneaky! (Thanks to Sarala for working with him and getting the perfect measurement.)

It is beautifully made in India, and it has my favorite color green and Ty's favorite color orange.

I am deeply touched by his support for one of my passions in life - dancing! Unfortunately, I cannot dance right now as I hurt my back about a week ago, but it was a perfect timing (it just arrived from India) to receive this gift as it inspired me even more to get better and dance again! (By the way, my back is getting better everyday, so I should be able to dance soon.)

I am looking forward to a day when I can dance in this costume with Ty's tabla.

(Picture: Due to my back pain, I could not really do a deep tribhanghi...)





(写真: 腰痛のため深いトリバンギ(姿勢の一つ)を取れませんでしたが・・・。)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Haleakala was Calling Me ハレアカラに呼ばれて

Friday, January 15th
I love Haleakala, the House of the Sun. It is common for Haleakala to not have any clouds around in the morning, but as the sun rises, clouds slowly start to gather around the top of it, and by noon, it is often surrounded by clouds. This way was different. Even by the time I drove home from work, it didn't have a single cloud around it. I wondered what I would be able to see if I go to the top of Haleakala with such a clear weather. It was rare to see such a clear Haleakala at sunset time. When I came home, Ty was taking a late afternoon nap since he was still dealing with a jet lag, and so much inspiration was waking him up at 3 am every morning. I didn't want to wake him up, so I quietly did a laundry, cleaned the house, did some prep for the dinner, and checked emails. When I looked outside, I saw a beautifully and strongly standing Haleakala. All of sudden, my desire to go there grew. Haleakala is calling me. That's how I felt. Ty also just woke up then. I jumped on his bed and stood tall in front of him who was still in the dream world and said, "Haleakala is calling me. I want to go. Would you like to come with me?" Despite of my abrupt request, he kindly said, "Sure," and we got ready. We wanted to get to the top before the sunset.

私の大好きなハレアカラ。朝方は雲がかかってないことはよくあることです。でもお昼に近づくにつれて雲が出てきて、たいていお昼過ぎには雲に覆われています。でもこの日は違いました。仕事から帰ってくる頃にさえ、雲一つかかっていないハレアカラが目に飛び込んできました。すぐさま「あぁ、行きたい!」と思いました。こんな快晴のハレアカラはなかなか目にしません。そしてそんな天気の日にてっぺんまで行ったらどんな景色が見えるのかしら?うずうずしてきました。でも仕事から帰ってくると、時差ぼけと沢山のアイディアがいっぱいいっぱい溢れてきて毎朝3時に起きてしまうタイはお昼寝をしていました。起こしてはかわいそうだと思い、静かに洗濯をし、家の掃除をし、夕飯の下ごしらえをし、メールをチェックしたりしておりました。窓から外を覗くと凛と佇むハレアカラ。急にとても行きたくなりました。呼ばれている。そう感じました。タイも丁度目を覚ましたようです。ベッドに飛び乗り、まだ夢とこっちの世界の狭間にいるタイに、「ハレアカラが呼んでるの。一緒に行かない?」 と聞きました。そんな急な質問にもタイは優しく「そうだね」と答え、私たちは準備をしました。お日様が沈む前にてっぺんに行きたかったので。

The top of west Maui was sticking out of the layer of clouds.

Lava  溶岩たち

The sun is shining the last light of this day.

This planet is beautiful.

Thank you, Sun for this day.

My favorite picture from this trip.

Bye, bye. バイバイ。

Thank you!  ありがとう!

Ty getting ready to fly

I received lots of love and energy from Haleakala and the Sun.

I like this photo because the leaves look like feathers.

I like this photo, too. It reminds me of a warm place in my heart.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A bit of Japan 日本での思い出つまみ書き

Isaniwa Shrine in Matsuyama-city, Ehime, Japan

Ty and I were in Japan for about ten days right after Christmas. We had a wonderful time visiting with our family and friends in Matsuyama, Ehime where my family live. Due to our limited time there, we could not visit with everyone we wanted to see, so we are looking forward to spending a bit more time in this coming July.


In the past, I went back and forth whether I should remove my wisdom teeth or not. (The blog entry about that can be read here.) While I was in Japan, I came to a decision which was to remove! I went to a dentist and removed three wisdom teeth. I did it! Minor pain and an itching sensation of the gum next to where the teeth used to be went away after about a week. Two out of three had cavity. I was very carefully brushing them, yet they had cavity... I was glad to take them out. Also, a sack of pus was attached to one of them. I would have been in much pain if it was broken and infected the gum around it. The dentist I went was close to one of the main stations in Matsuyama and had the latest technology and tools. Yet, I thought that it was interesting that the process of removing teeth is still pretty primitive. Basically, you get local anesthesia, and a dentist yanks it out. In my case, fortunately, all three of them were straight out, so it was pretty easy. In Japan, removing a wisdom tooth without a dental insurance including the first visit fee is about $120. If you have an insurance, it would be about $38. In my case, I had one, so all total (3 teeth), it was $65!! In America, it would be at least $1000 even with an insurance. I was glad that I could do it in Japan.


A road to get to Isaniwa Shrine

You have to climb this stairs to get to the shrine. (There is a road to get to it with a car.)

A large tree next to the stone stairs. It had a big hole like the one

And there was this leaf man who was standing above the hole saying, "Hello!"

We enjoyed the hot spring, Dogo Onsen, one of the oldest hot sprints in Japan.

My paternal grandmother is from Uchiko, Ehime. It's a beautifully little town with traditional buildings still remained.

I felt a deep appreciation for being able to welcome a new year with my family again.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Happy New Year 謹賀新年

Wishing you a joyous and inspired New Year !

This was an amazing year in many respects. I am deeply enjoying my life long dream of working with young children. I hope your dreams weave their way into your daily life and Creator’s love fills your spirit.


Akari's Diary 2006 & 2007
Akari's Diary 2008 & 2009


