Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Odissi Dance Workshop by Vishnu ヴィシュヌのオディッシィダンスワークショップ

This year has been very much hectic, and so far I have not been able to make time to update my blog as regularly as I wish.

Whenever I find a moment, I try to cease the opportunity; hence, my blog has been irregular, and my postings are not necessarily posted chronologically. I just wanted to let you know that :-)

In the past February, I had a wonderful blessing to take Sri Vishnu Tattva Das's Odissi dance workshop here on Maui. My dance teacher, Sarala Dandeker and Vishnu studied under the later Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra and used to perform together.

This workshop was my second time learning from him, and this time, we learned a wonderful pallavi called Mohana. I fell in love with this piece right away due to its unique 7 rhythm cycle and its intricate yet somewhat playfulness.

Vishnu's warm and sincere personality is clear in his dance and teaching, and I was inspired by his love and dedication for this art form. I believe that his devotion for the art form is beyond simple desire to perfect its beauty but to be in a deep spiritual awareness, and his dedication to that practice was something I cherished the most in my heart during the workshop.

I cannot wait to take his workshop again. I will practice hard until then.

----------------------------- Japanese --------------------------







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