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Sorry I don't have another version with bigger resolution. これ以上大きく見れなくてごめんなさい。 |
The below is a letter from Team of Izanai Asahi, Tsunami Relief Fund:
"On March 11th, 2011, at 2:46 pm (Japan time) a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck the Tohoku area of northeastern Honshu, Japan. Almost immediately, a powerful 30ft tsunami crashed into the eastern shoreline engulfing everything in its widespread path of devastation. Official estimates report more than 240,000 people have since been evacuated from the hardest hit areas.
Although not mentioned by the international media, the low lying city of Asahi in the Chiba prefecture also felt the brunt force of the tidal wave where as many as 2000 homes were either swept away or partially destroyed. At least 400 former Asahi residents are currently living in emergency relief shelters. Furthermore, there are increasing fears of air, water and food safety due to the ongoing nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant less than 200km away.
The current situation is dire. City employees and volunteer workers are tending to all evacuees; young and old, handicapped and seniors, in one school gym where the basic necessities provided are one blanket, snack foods and bottled water.
We, the Izanai Dance Group, just recently moved to Asahi city and yet we are devoting our full energy to the recovery effort. In cooperation with the city’s plan, we have organized to cook and serve meals for those who lost everything with the hope that a hot meal, prepared with love, will have a healing effect and restore the will to rebuild their lives.
Please ... your kind support will help us ... to help them.
Team of Izanai Asahi, Tsunami Relief Fund"
The photos below are the team members providing food for the people in Asahi.
------------------------------ Japanese --------------------------
祈ることも大切だけど、祈りをもとに実際の行動も起こしていかないとねということで、マウイの友人たちと色々とプランし始めました。まずは、これは私のお友達が企画してくれたもので、毎週土曜日の朝、Kulaで開かれているファーマーズマーケットで(今のところは明日のみですが)お店を出させてもらい、そこでの売り上げを全て、Team of Izanai Asahi, Tsunami Relief Fundに送ります。明日の朝7時から10時までいます。私もお手伝いしています。マウイにお住まいの方は、地元の新鮮な有機野菜も買えますし、是非おこしくださいな。
以下がTeam of Izanai Asahi, Tsunami Relief Fundから送られてきた文書です。
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