Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Last Bit of September 9月の末のこと

The last bit of September was quite busy since there were parent-teacher conferences at school. I had to complete all the report cards, to organize supporting documents, and to work longer hours than usual (since I lost the prep time due to the conferences), but it was very nice to meet with each parent. I enjoyed getting to know how each child is at home. It's indeed teamwork to raise a child!


The photo above was Black Bear Chili I cooked. Well, I cooked but maybe I should not say I "cooked" because the entire ingredient was already packaged together, and all I had to do was to cook the beans for a little while and add a canned diced tomato. Ty sent me this package (below) from Boulder, CO. Thank you, honey for this easy meal for a busy bee like me :)


I have not read "Be Here Now" in English yet, but I came across with this Japanese translated version of "Be Here Now" written by Ram Dass (as most of you know, he is a resident of Maui, so I occasionally see him around.) It was translated very well, and I read it thorough like a zip! What an honest, adorably curious, and open-minded person Ram Dass is, and I am grateful for his sharing and dedication to seek the "truth".

アメリカのヒッピーなら誰でも知っているであろう、ラム・ダスの「ビー ヒア ナウ」。英語でもともと書かれたものですが、日本語でに訳された本にたまたま出会ったので、読んでみました。とても上手に訳されているなと思いました。読み出したら止まらなくて最後まで一気に読んでしまいました。(ちなみにラム・ダスはマウイ在住なので、時々みかけます。)何て正直で、憎めない好奇心にあふれ、オープンな考え方を持った人でしょう。彼の大っぴらに自身の経験をシェアしてくれる心意気と、真実を追い求めるその努力に感謝。

Below, I will post some views I saw in September.

Baldwin Avenue
ボルドウィン アベニュー
Ho`okipa Beach
ホオキパ ビーチ
Haleakala Highway
You can see West Maui mountains clearly.

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