Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rhythmic Revolution 11/13/2010 リズミック・レボリューション

All the performers (and babies)
I enjoyed the performance, "Rhythmic Revolution" at MACC on November 13th. Sarala, Malati, and I performed Mohana Pallavi after Sarala did a short solo piece.

It was an honor to share the dance stage with renowned performers such as Chloe Arnold, performer, choreographer and former artistic director for Debbie Allen Productions. The show featured performers including Emmy Award-winner Jason Samuels Smith, Broadway and film star Mark Mendonca, Japan's graceful and percussive Yukiko Misumi. And from Maui, we had an elegant Odissi dancer, Sarala Dandeker, a passionate flamenco dancers, Vanessa Carrito and Indio Kualii, and Sunny Gorg brought a fun Afro Caribbean dance piece with her dancers.

I learned a lot by watching their performance from the side of the stage. I thank how fortunate I am to be given such opportunity!

------------------------- Japanese ----------------------


卓越したパフォーマーの皆さんと、ステージをシェアでき光栄でした。振り付け師であり、有名なタップダンサーであるChloe Arnoldを始めとし、エミーアワードを受賞したJason Samuels Smithや、ブロードウェイや映画などでも有名なMark Mendonca、そして日本を代表するタップダンサーであるYukiko Misumiさんという大物たちとの共演でした。そしてマウイからは、私の先生であり優雅なオディッシィダンサーSarala Dandeker、情熱的なフラメンコダンサーVanessa Carritoと彼女の旦那さまでもあり、素晴らしいミュージシャンでもあるIndio Kualii、そして楽しいアフロカリビアンなダンスを披露してくれたSunny Gorgとその生徒さんたち。


Akari, Sarala, and Malati in the green room.
4 monkeys
(Before getting dressed,; I noticed I had 4 monkeys on me.
Can you tell the fourth one?
The answer - me !!
For some reason, I was feeling Paul Frank that day.)

答えは  私でーす。

This time, I didn't forget to paint the nails.
But it was a lot of work as I don't paint them at all (in my everyday life).
As soon as I painted them, I could not wait to take them off.
I feel like my nails cannot breath when they're painted.


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