Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Friends's Maui Visits お友達のマウイ訪問

April in Iao Valley

In February and March, I had special guests: one from Japan, and another from the mainland.

My friend April came to Maui in February to work at one of the WWOOF. WWOOF is short for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. They link volunteers with organic farmers, and help people share more sustainable ways of living. (Continues below)


エイプリルが二月にWWOOFで働くためにやってきました。WWOOFはWorld Wide Opportunities on Organic Farmingの略で、世界中にあるオーガニック農場で働くための手ほどきをしてくれます。こちらに日本バージョンのウェブサイトがあります。(彼らは有機農業・無農薬・無化学肥料で農業を営む人たちや地に足のついた生活を送る人たちと、日本各地・世界各国のWWOOFに興味ある人たちとに、出会いの場を作っています。環境と自然を大切にする気持ちを持つ人を増やしています。将来、農業を営みたいと思っている人や、地方で生活を始めたいと思っている人に、その踏み台を作っています。手作業が多く、経費がなかなかかけられない農業従事者関連の人たちに、人手を提供しています。都会に住む人と、地方に住む人を結びつけています。コミュニケーションの大切さを思い出してもらっています。以上・ウェブサイトから抜粋)

When she first came to Maui, we did not have any idea where she would end up working, but with a good amount of research, persistence, and guidance, she found a wonderful, wonderful farm to work at and got hired within the first 2 weeks. I was so happy for her. She fell in love with Maui, and she decided to extend her stay as well. I am so glad to have her on Maui. (Continues below)


In March, my childhood friend, Hanae came from Japan. She and I met when my family moved to Tokyo from Kochi. We were 2nd graders at that time. I think she was one of the first friends I made. I remember having play dates with her like the next day after we met. We went to the same junior high school, so we saw each other for 8 years. Since then, she is someone very important in my heart. As children, we played together a lot. One of many fond memories I have with her is that she called me at late night when it snowed a lot and suggested us to play in snow. It was rare to snow that much, so we were excited. My parents let me go, so we met at an open field where snow made a perfect white carpet where no one has stepped. We were hesitant to get in first because we did not imperfect the perfectness, but eventually, we ran across, fell (on purpose), made angel wings. I could even see some stars (again it was rare to see many where we lived due to so much industrial lights and pollution). We explored around, and it was very quiet. I think this memory stuck in me because I felt like we shared a special space together - a quiet late night snow with stars...

Even after I moved back to Kochi from Tokyo during my freshman year, we remained in contact, and we tried to meet whenever there were opportunities. And she finally could make it to Maui!! She was the first Japanese friend who visited me on Maui. (Continues below)

At Ulupalakua Ranch
(Japanese) そして三月には、日本から英恵が来てくれました。彼女とは小学二年生のときに、父の転勤で高知から東京に引っ越したときに出会いました。最初にできた友達の一人だったと思います。会った翌日には、お互いの家に遊びに行く約束をしていたと思う。同じ中学校に行ったので、8年間一緒でした。初めて会ってから、英恵は私にとって大切な友達となりました。小さいときはよく遊んだように記憶しています。沢山ある彼女との特別な思い出の一つは、ある年、東京には珍しく沢山の雪が降り、結構夜遅くに彼女から電話があり、これから雪で遊ぼうとのこと。両親の許可をもらい、ある開けた土地(東京には珍しく、何も建っていない敷地があったので)で会いました。そこには、真っ白で完璧な絨毯が敷かれていました。踏み込んでしまうのがもったいなくて、私たちは恐る恐る足を踏み入れ、でもしばらくしたら思いっきり走ってみたり、わざとこけてみたり、仰向けになって手足をバタバタさせて、天使の羽を作ってみたり。珍しく星もよく見えた記憶あり。そのまま周りをちょっと探検してみたり。とても静かだったのを覚えています。この晩の思い出が鮮明に心に残ったのは、きっと普段とはかけ離れた情景 - 静かな、雪の夜と星 - を、友人と一緒にシェアできたことがうれしかったからだと思います。


In Hana
She works as an ER nurse in Tokyo. It is an intense job, and she's been doing it for several years now. I am very proud of her for finding what fulfills her and for working so professionally. She was on Maui for only 3 days, so it was a short visit; however, we had a great time catching up with each other's life and visiting the memory line from the past. It is indeed wonderful and fortunate to have a friend with whom I can trace back to an early stage of my life. For me as an adult, the time I spent with her was healing and empowering in many ways. Thank you so much, Hanae for coming!!

Akari in Paia taken by Hanae
英恵の撮った私 パイアにて
She is cycling to make her own smoothies.
My friend who works at the Hotel Hana Maui gave us glasses of orange juice!
Hotel Hana Mauiで働いている友達が、オレンジジュースをおごってくれました。
At Mana Foods in Paia
パイアのMana Foodsにて
At Wal-Mart. Because of the size of the store, Hanae looks even cuter (smaller).
In Makawao
At the summit of Haleakara

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