Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dancing in the Sunlight 日差しの中で踊る

Spot lights sent from heaven.
Let's dance under the light!

This life is like a stage.
I am going to dance, dance, and dance away.... !!

I want to remember that the sun is always there no matter how thick and dark covering clouds might be. In a difficult time, I want to remember that the clouds will eventually drift away. The sun is always there for each and every one of us.

------------------------------- Japanese ----------------------




Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rhythmic Revolution 11/13/2010 リズミック・レボリューション

All the performers (and babies)
I enjoyed the performance, "Rhythmic Revolution" at MACC on November 13th. Sarala, Malati, and I performed Mohana Pallavi after Sarala did a short solo piece.

It was an honor to share the dance stage with renowned performers such as Chloe Arnold, performer, choreographer and former artistic director for Debbie Allen Productions. The show featured performers including Emmy Award-winner Jason Samuels Smith, Broadway and film star Mark Mendonca, Japan's graceful and percussive Yukiko Misumi. And from Maui, we had an elegant Odissi dancer, Sarala Dandeker, a passionate flamenco dancers, Vanessa Carrito and Indio Kualii, and Sunny Gorg brought a fun Afro Caribbean dance piece with her dancers.

I learned a lot by watching their performance from the side of the stage. I thank how fortunate I am to be given such opportunity!

------------------------- Japanese ----------------------


卓越したパフォーマーの皆さんと、ステージをシェアでき光栄でした。振り付け師であり、有名なタップダンサーであるChloe Arnoldを始めとし、エミーアワードを受賞したJason Samuels Smithや、ブロードウェイや映画などでも有名なMark Mendonca、そして日本を代表するタップダンサーであるYukiko Misumiさんという大物たちとの共演でした。そしてマウイからは、私の先生であり優雅なオディッシィダンサーSarala Dandeker、情熱的なフラメンコダンサーVanessa Carritoと彼女の旦那さまでもあり、素晴らしいミュージシャンでもあるIndio Kualii、そして楽しいアフロカリビアンなダンスを披露してくれたSunny Gorgとその生徒さんたち。


Akari, Sarala, and Malati in the green room.
4 monkeys
(Before getting dressed,; I noticed I had 4 monkeys on me.
Can you tell the fourth one?
The answer - me !!
For some reason, I was feeling Paul Frank that day.)

答えは  私でーす。

This time, I didn't forget to paint the nails.
But it was a lot of work as I don't paint them at all (in my everyday life).
As soon as I painted them, I could not wait to take them off.
I feel like my nails cannot breath when they're painted.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Haleakala Waldorf School Diwali Festival

From left: Akari, Sarala, Malati
It's always wonderful to dance for children.

We were invited to dance Odissi at Haleakala Waldorf School's 5th graders' Diwali festival last week.

Their immersible curriculum in which the students get to deeply experience a culture they are learning about is wonderful.

-------------------------- Japanese -------------------------




Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pirate Hats 海賊の帽子

Two students made these pirate hats for me
(by reusing some papers).
Aren't they cute?
I can choose between two sizes depends on how I feel.
I think I will be a professional pirate with these.
Maybe I should teach wearing these :)


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Kindness Board 思いやりボード

I made this board called "Kindness Board" where the children can post Post-it notes to share anyone's kind act they witnessed. I made this in order for all of us to focus on positiveness in us. It is heart-warming to read their small notes :-)


"When XXX spilled glue, OOO helped her"

"I saw XXX taking OOO stuff for her. Thank you"

"I saw XXX pick up OOO's name tag."

"I saw Akari helping people."
(Good. I was kind to someone, too!)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Underwater Photography 水面下での写真撮影

Photo by Richard Marks
My friend and a wonderful photographer, Richard Marks worked on underwater photography project, and here are a couple of them from our photo shoot. 

I love being water. Since I was a little girl, I have been always mesmerized by water's beauty, so it was a dream-come-true soft of project for me.

You can see more of his underwater photographic work at this site:




Monday, November 8, 2010

Rhythmic Revolution リズミック・レボリューション

I will be dancing in a show called "Rhythmic Revolution" at Maui Arts & Cultural Center (MACC) this coming Saturday. It sounds like different dance forms will be blended nicely together, and I am honored to be a part of it!

For more info, please visit MACC's website.

今週の土曜日に、Maui Arts & Cultural Center (MACC)で催される「Rhythmic Revolution(意味としてはリズムの革命)」というパフォーマンスで、サララ先生とマラティとオディッシィを踊ってきます。色々なダンスフォームがブレンドされるみたいで、楽しみです。


Sunday, November 7, 2010

More Photos from Dhvani 2010 ドゥバニ2010の写真

If you click the slideshow above, a new window will open, and you'll be able to see the photos larger.

I wrote about our Dhvani 2010 show about a month ago (click here to view).

Today, I uploaded more photos from the show to my Picasa album. These photos were taken by my friend, Richard Marks who is a talented, professional photographer living on Maui. He was our official photographer of the show. Enjoy these beautiful photos he took.

Please visit his website at

---------------------- Japanese -------------------

以前、10月に行われたDhvani 2010のパフォーマンスについて、少しブログ上で書きました。(そのブログはこちら



Friday, November 5, 2010

What wells up inside こみあがるもの

Often it is said (at least in Japan) that 'trouble makers' are the dear ones.

Usually (always?), there are at least a couple of students who take attention, time, and energy of a teacher...
Well, yes, there are some in my class this year.
But they are dear to me.
They all do their best and have kind hearts.
I repeat the same thing with them a day after day, and I sometimes wonder if they would ever get it.

However, as you know, children grown every single day and go beyond my wonder, and before I know it, they turn into a butterfly from a chrysalis.

Each moment when I witness that, something warm wells up inside my heart and boils my love for them.

(Today, one girl came up to me saying, "Miss Akari, I made a book for you." I read it after school, and it made my day and helped me to appreciate this wonderful occupation I have.)

--------------------------------- Japanese --------------------------

「手のかかる子ほど かわいい」って言いますよね。


同じことを毎日繰り返しています。「一体いつ出来るようになるかしら?」と、その過程を思うと気が遠くなるようなこともあります。それでも日々子供たちは成長しており、私の想像なんか軽く飛び越して、 ある日急にさなぎから蝶に変容し、その瞬間を目にする度に、胸にあついものがこみあげ、その「あついもの」が、子供たちに対する愛をさらに温めるのです。


Japanese: 「私に優しくしてくれて ありがとう」といった意味合い。

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Odissi on My Birthday 誕生日のオディッシィ

Photo by Sarala
Ty also came to see us dance.

On 10/27, I welcomed my 28th birthday.

Thank you very much for your warm wishes.

I deeply appreciated and felt joyous to be alive being loved by each one of you.

This year, rain sang a beautiful song for me on my birthday, so I did not go up to the top of Haleakala like I always do.

Yet, I did a very special thing on the night of my birthday which was as sacred and special as going up to Haleakala.

I danced Odissi. I did with Sarala and Malati.

I was thankful for starting a new year with an Odissi dance, and I felt that my new year will be a big Odissi year for me.









Sarala took this picture of us, saying that
a photo like this is memorable. Indeed it is :-)