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I loved this scene. I stayed there for several minutes. Red, blue, and green. この景色に見惚れてしばらく見てました。 赤と、青と、緑と。 |
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Coconut juice - love it! ココナッツジュース おいしいよ! |
August was a birthday month for a daughter of my dance teacher, Sarala. She turned 7! I found her a gift at Maui Whole Child Play and Learn. It is a cute store across from the Makawao Library. It used to be ran by my friend, but now a new owner runs it, and she drew this beautiful drawing on a paper bag and gave it to me. I have known Sarala's daughter since she was 6 months old, and I used to babysit her, and now I'm living in the same house (with separate living unit), so she is like my niece or little sister. It was something to see her welcoming her 7th birthday... Wow, she has grown so much.
8月にはサララ先生の娘の7歳の誕生日月でもありましたから、彼女にMaui Whole Child Play and Learnでプレゼントを買いました。このお店はマカワオの図書館の真向かいにあります。以前は友人が経営していましたが、今は新しいオーナーさんが経営しています。こんなすてきな絵を包装紙に描いてくれました。サララ先生の娘はまだ生後6ヶ月の頃から知っており、よくベビーシッティングもしていましたし、今は同じ家に一緒に住んでいるので(二世帯住宅みたいな家)姪っ子のような、妹のような感じで、もう7歳になるんだなぁと思うと何だか感慨深いものがありました。
I used to work at Maui Language Institute as a student assistant. I'm still in touch with the director of the program, and I happened to be in her neighborhood one weekend, so I called her, and she was about to bake lots of loaves of banana bread!! I joined her baking party. (There were lots of banana bread as you can see in the photo.) They were yummy, too :)
私は学生時代Maui Language Instituteで3年半ほどアルバイトをしていたのですが、そのときからお世話になっている先生と今でも付き合いを続けています。8月のある週末、その先生の近所に用事があったため電話をしてみたところ、とても一人では食べきれないほどのバナナを頂いたらしく、バナナブレッドを作るところだから一緒に作ろうとのこと。ほらね。写真で分かるようにすごい量のバナナブレッドを焼きましたよ!おいしかったなり!
And I've been slowly working on something that is exciting but cannot be announced yet. When the time comes, I'll let you know.
Okay, this blog is slowly but surely catching up to the current time.
The next one will be about the first half of September.
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